New BRICS currency to compete with the US dollar

The Ukraine war also led to a new world order, namely “BRICS” & Co, i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and the partner countries against the G7 and one can be curious to see who will come out on top in the end. The “BRICS” Summit will take place in Johannesburg from 22 to 25 August. Rumour has it that a new partially gold-backed BRICS currency based on crypto will be launched there. It is possible that new peace proposals for the Ukraine war, which may now escalate further due to the use of cluster bombs, will also be forged there. The new “BRICS” currency is to compete with the US dollar in the long term. 40 partner countries want to join the BRICS currency. The US debt is now increasing more and more due to the rising interest burden.

NATO Summit in Vilnius: Preparation for World War 3?

On 11 and 12 July, the NATO summit will take place in Vilnius. There it will be discussed whether and when Ukraine should be admitted to NATO. In addition, the rearmament request for all NATO countries will be justified with the “enemies” Russia and China. Ukraine’s first large-scale attack has not been particularly successful so far. But Selenskyj is now demanding cluster munitions, which the USA also wants to send, and above all more medium-range missiles to be able to attack Russia’s supply routes directly. However, this could mean that Russia will also attack the supply routes in Poland directly. In any case, the anxious question now arises whether this NATO summit will not also bring World War 3 closer. It is urgent time for diplomatic negotiations, otherwise a point of no return will be reached, making diplomatic negotiations impossible and conjuring up a 3rd world war.

Failed military coup attempt in Russia by the Wagner Group – and now?

On 24 June, there was an internal power struggle and confrontation between the feared Wagner group led by Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Russian military leadership. A bloodbath and open confrontation in Moscow could only be avoided by President Lukashenko giving in and ordering Prigozhin to withdraw. However, Prigozhin showed how vulnerable the Russian system is and also what weaknesses the military leadership has. This should give Putin food for thought for a long time to come. Ukraine, meanwhile, reported gains in terrain on a day when Russia was preoccupied with itself. Nevertheless, the Ukraine war continues with unabated ferocity and with it the unnecessary deaths of soldiers on both sides.

Something is in the air

NATO’s largest air manoeuvre, “Air Defender”, will start on 12 June, causing considerable delays in air traffic. The exercise will be rehearsed with many NATO countries in the event that Russia attacks a NATO country. Meanwhile, the real (proxy) war is raging in Ukraine. Selinskyi is on the attack and is now launching a major offensive. But this also increases the potential for escalation now in summer, as the blowing up of the dam near Kherson already indicates. The grain agreement with Ukraine could be terminated in 1 month, which would cause wheat prices to rise again Ex-NATO chief Rasmussen now even recommends sending NATO soldiers to the war zone. Poland would be ready to do so immediately. Fighter jets are also to be sent to Ukraine in the autumn. The more NATO gets actively involved in the Ukraine war, the greater the danger that “Air Defender” will become reality and we will all suddenly find ourselves in World War 3.