Don’t miss the perfect moment!

At the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Summit in New Delhi on 1-2 March, the opportunity to approach each other and jointly initiate peace talks in Ukraine was missed again. China’s peace initiative is obviously falling on deaf ears in the West. While the BRICS countries plead for a resumption of dialogue and diplomatic negotiations, the G7 obviously prefer to let the weapons speak and teach Putin a lesson. In the process, a stalemate and a war of attrition are now emerging in Ukraine. In the Battle of Bachmut alone, hundreds of people are now dying every day. Is this really necessary?

“Do you want total war?”

24 February marked the anniversary of the Ukraine war and there is still no end in sight. On the contrary: by supplying more and more weapons, the war is dragging on and more and more people will inevitably die there. War is always a sign that politics has completely failed. But war is also always a crime against humanity – quite apart from the war crimes committed by both sides during the war. Russia started the war of aggression in violation of international law, but the West should ask itself whether it did enough in advance at all times to avoid the war and whether it also always took Russia’s security interests sufficiently into account.

The early bird catches the warm

This year, the world’s stock markets had one of the best starts in decades. Tech stocks in particular are in demand again. Nevertheless, the stock markets remain caught between monetary and geopolitical tensions, which can quickly lead to disillusionment. The Ukraine war can escalate and expand at any time, with the delivery of tanks and other weapons only prolonging the war and creating far-reaching potential for escalation. But the central banks could also burden the world’s stock markets with further interest rate hikes and liquidity withdrawal, which could then also lead to a recession or “stagflation”.

Super start on the stock market gives hope for more in 2023

Der Ukraine-Krieg scheint kein Ende zu nehmen. Russland bombardiert weiterhin die Infrastruktur in der Ukraine und sorgt damit für temporäre Stromausfälle in vielen Städten. Die EU will nun weiter 2 Mrd. Euro für Waffenlieferungen in die Ukraine bewilligen bei einem Gesamtpaket von 18 Mrd Euro.