On the rocky and bloody road to a new world order – only which one?

Putin creates new facts with his Ukraine war

After the atrocities against helpless civilians in Buchma, the EU reacted – without waiting for detailed investigations – with new sanctions against Russia. There is now an import ban on coal, wood and vodka from Russia. There is no end to the military escalation of alleged or even actual war crimes in Ukraine – now even a railway station in Kramatorsk has been bombed (only by whom?). Consequently, there is no end to the spiral of sanctions by the USA and the EU. Sooner or later, the EU, which is already struggling with far too high inflation, will suffer the most. But a new world order is also emerging with considerable consequences for globalisation and the world. The world monetary system may also come apart at the seams. But also the danger of a 3rd world war has not yet been averted as long as there is no peace and security treaty for Russia and Ukraine. 

Is a Ukraine war now turning into a world war?

Since 24 February, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, we have found ourselves in a new surreal world of horror. Fear is spreading among the population. After the constant media coverage of the Corona crisis with its often one-sided reporting, there is now only the constant media coverage of the war in Ukraine. The sanctions will not only damage Russia, but also Germany and the EU. There is now even a threat of recession. Putin has damaged Russia more than he thought with his Ukraine war. But how can he get out of this mess? There has already been a crash on the Moscow stock exchange. Trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange has been suspended. Will a crash on the world’s stock exchanges follow? And even more drastically: Will a Ukraine war turn into a 3rd world war? 

USA and Russia on a dangerous course of confrontation

USA and Russia on a confrontation course with dangerous “red lines

Is a Cuban Missile Crisis Imminent? –

On 12/13 December, so-called “stability talks” took place between Russia and the USA or NATO first in Geneva and then in the Russia-NATO Council and subsequently at the OSCE. Before that, however, Putin and Biden spoke on the phone. All the talks so far have not led to any détente or positive outcome. Russia is obviously demanding unfulfillable security guarantees from the West. Is Russia now planning missile sites in Venezuela and Cuba? Investors are also worried about the future monetary policy of the FED due to too high inflation as well as the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.