First bread and games, then World War 3?

While the German nation is now in football fever and hoping for a new summer fairytale after the victory against Denmark, there are very threatening developments in other regions of the world. Bread and games have always been a suitable means of distracting people from the real problems of the world. This summer, not only the war in Israel threatens to escalate and spread to Lebanon, but now also the war in Ukraine and both wars could turn into a third world war. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is warning of a major European war in three months’ time and Hungarian President Orban is also warning that NATO is seeking a war with Russia. In France, there is a threat of a split in the nation and possibly a shift to the right if Le Pen wins the parliamentary elections. Then we will have a new Europe. The USA is already in the midst of an election campaign, where Trump has now presented his new 5-point peace plan for Ukraine. If he wins the election, he will implement it. Trump clearly came out on top in the debate against Biden.

Is the commodity super cycle coming?

For a long time, commodities and commodity shares only played a minor role in the portfolio decisions of private and institutional investors, but this could change from now on. Some commodity experts believe that a commodity super cycle is now beginning due to increasing supply risks. Without sufficient commodities, climate change goals cannot be achieved. Few realise that commodity products such as the BNP Paribas ETC can sometimes outperform equity indices.

Is a new banking crisis looming in the USA?

The US Federal Reserve is raising hopes of an interest rate cut in September and the DAX has already jumped to a new all-time high. Shares from Eastern Europe clearly outperformed again, with the Budapest Stock Exchange and the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange in particular rising sharply recently. In the USA, however, Republic First Bankcorp, a small regional bank from Philadelphia, also went bankrupt, which did not worry investors but shows how vulnerable the US banking market still is despite superficially good economic data. Banks from Eastern Europe with higher equity ratios and returns appear to be much more crisis-resistant.

Sell on May and go away?

The Invest trade fair on 26/27 April in Stuttgart was very well attended with over 13,000 visitors and 137 exhibitors. There were 250 programme items at the trade fair, with trading strategies and new trends on the crypto markets being in particularly high demand. However, interest in equities also appears to be increasing among German investors. There were many interesting investment topics at the Freedom Broker stand, where Mick Knauff, among others, also whetted the appetite for shares again.

Iran attacks Israel: Is there now a threat of a conflagration or even a 3rd world war?

The war with Israel is now threatening to escalate after Iran attacked Israel for the first time on the night of 13 to 14 April with around 300 missiles such as drones and rockets. However, almost all of the missiles were intercepted and destroyed beforehand, which was a success for the Israeli air defence, with the help of American and British aircraft.