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Go East!The Eastern Stock Exchanges are coming! Stock exchange and capital market informationfrom Eastern Europe Subscribe to thefree newsletter! Register now and benefit from Andreas Männicke’s profound expertise! Register here Eaststock TV Thursday, 01 August 2024 BRICS – death blow for the dollar? More and more countries are turning away from the dollar, the BRICS […]


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Was wir wollen We want to keep you informed about the new developments in Central and Eastern Europe so that you can base your investment decision on an up-to-date, broader and factually sound basis.We have therefore made it our mission: Collect and analyse facts prepare and systematise information to recognise new developments, changes and trends […]

Was there electoral fraud and manipulation in the USA?

On 14 December 2020, the electoral college in the USA will choose the new president. Here Joe Biden is so far in the clear lead with 306 electoral votes compared to Donald Trump with 232 electoral votes. Trump and his lawyers still believe they can turn the tide and win the election. It may well be that Trump’s lawyers will still appeal to the Supreme Court if they get nowhere in the local courts with the evidence they have presented so far. Trump’s lawyers believe in a cyber war and manipulation of the election servers by China and Iran, but this will be difficult to prove.

Who will win the fateful election in the USD: Crazy Donald or sleepy Joe?

The US is at a crossroads: on 3 November, the fateful election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Wall Street will react huffily if the Democrat Biden wins the election. In the run-up to the election, however, there were already considerable price losses due to the second wave of the pandemic, which is now stronger worldwide than previously expected.

The possible consequences of the election results in the USA and further lock downs are also discussed in the new EastStockTV video on, episode 182.