Monday – 10.March 2025
ESTV 247 – ‘Whatever it takes’ is driving up share prices – but for how much longer?
Thursday, 01 August 2024
Saturday – 03 October 2020:
Swen Lorenz interviewed by Andreas Männicke:
New opportunities in Poland
Stock market letter EAST STOCK TRENDS
The stock exchanges of Central and Eastern Europe have been the top performers among the world’s stock exchanges since 1998. In the last few years in particular, many CEE exchanges fared better than the established western exchanges. In 2019, the Moscow stock exchange was not only able to clearly outperform the DAX and DJI, but also ranked among the 30 best performing stock exchanges in the world.
Many investors have neglected the CEE stock exchanges so far. The selection of promising titles is growing steadily.
Eastern Europe still has its future ahead of it.
Seize your chance now!
The market letter “EAST STOCK TRENDS” is published monthly in a printed and electronic edition. The electronic edition is sent to you directly after the editorial deadline, which means it reaches you faster and is also more cost-effective.
Share(s) of the month:
Highlight of the month:
What we want
We want to keep you informed about the new developments in Central and Eastern Europe so that you can base your investment decision on an up-to-date, broader and factually sound basis.
The person
Andreas Männicke studied business administration in Hamburg, graduating with a degree in business administration. After graduating, he was a research assistant at the University of Hamburg (Faculty of Business Administration) for four years. Since 1990 he was in charge of training securities experts and financial analysts in Central and Eastern Europe.