Go East!
The Eastern Stock Exchanges are coming!

Stock exchange and capital market information
from Eastern Europe

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Eaststock TV

Thursday, 01 August 2024

BRICS – death blow for the dollar?
More and more countries are turning away from the dollar, the BRICS are becoming more powerful. Will they replace the US currency?
Monday – 20.January 2025
ESTV 245 – Trump: a lottery win for investors – especially in the crypto market
Monday – 28.October 2024
BRICS-TV 1 – BRICS against G7: a new world order is emerging

Saturday – 03 October 2020:

Swen Lorenz interviewed by Andreas Männicke:
New opportunities in Poland


Stock market letter EAST STOCK TRENDS

The stock exchanges of Central and Eastern Europe have been the top performers among the world’s stock exchanges since 1998. In the last few years in particular, many CEE exchanges fared better than the established western exchanges. In 2019, the Moscow stock exchange was not only able to clearly outperform the DAX and DJI, but also ranked among the 30 best performing stock exchanges in the world.

Many investors have neglected the CEE stock exchanges so far. The selection of promising titles is growing steadily.

Eastern Europe still has its future ahead of it.

Seize your chance now!

  • analyses the most important trends on the CEE stock exchanges for you monthly on 30-60 pages.
  • looks not only at the established eastern stock exchanges, such as Moscow, Budapest, Prague and Warsaw, but also at the second-tier countries and the CIS republics
  • selects the most promising stocks for you from a fundamental and technical point of view and examines not only stocks but also other forms of investment such as funds, bonds, real estate, derivatives and certificates
  • draws attention to risks and distinguishes between conservative and speculative investment options.

The market letter “EAST STOCK TRENDS” is published monthly in a printed and electronic edition. The electronic edition is sent to you directly after the editorial deadline, which means it reaches you faster and is also more cost-effective.

Current column

Monday, 20. January 2025
Even before his inauguration, President-elect Donald Trump caused a stir not only with his provocative demands at a press conference, but also with the official launch of his own Trump Meme Coin on the Solana blockchain on 18 January. In just a few hours, the Trump Meme Coin multiplied from 20 million USD to a market value of 14 billion and a day later to 65 billion USD at a rate of 65 USD. Since Trump wants to make the USA a new world power in cryptocurrencies, too, all crypto fans are looking forward to the ‘golden Trump age’. Ripple (XRP) had previously seen the greatest increase due to its good relations with Trump. The value of XRP has already increased sixfold from 0.5 to 3.0 XRP/USD. For many crypto fans, however, this is just the beginning of a long journey, as XRP now even wants to compete with PayPal and push the tokenisation of US assets. The restrictions on crypto investors are now to be lifted under Trump/Musk and the SEC is to lose some of its control powers.

Share(s) of the month:

Rainbow Tours SA (Poland)

Highlight of the month:

Bet on Ukraine now!

About ESI

What we want

We want to keep you informed about the new developments in Central and Eastern Europe so that you can base your investment decision on an up-to-date, broader and factually sound basis.

The person

Andreas Männicke studied business administration in Hamburg, graduating with a degree in business administration. After graduating, he was a research assistant at the University of Hamburg (Faculty of Business Administration) for four years. Since 1990 he was in charge of training securities experts and financial analysts in Central and Eastern Europe.