Never put all your eggs in one basket, but also in Eastern Europe!

The terrible and brutal terrorist attack in Moscow is likely to have consequences, although it is still not entirely clear who is behind the terrorist attack apart from IS, which has sent a letter of confession. Russia suspects that the American secret service, in co-operation with the Ukrainian secret service, is actually behind the attack. The perpetrators from Tajikistan at least wanted to flee to Ukraine and have also made confessions that point in this direction. Putin’s first response was to intensify attacks on the infrastructure in Ukraine.

World stock markets are going crazy and Western politicians even more so

It is quite astonishing: despite the increase in geopolitical and monetary risks, some markets such as the stock markets, Bitcoin and gold are rushing from one all-time high to the next, whereby Bitcoin and gold can at least still be categorised as “fear and anti-crisis investments”, but the new all-time high on the stock markets does give pause for thought. Investors also seem to have quickly forgotten the banking crisis in the US exactly two years ago. Now, however, a new banking crisis is looming due to the slump in commercial property in the USA. At the moment, however, investors are just as unconcerned about this as they are about the great potential for escalation in the war in Israel and Ukraine.

The threat of a third world war is increasing all the time

The threat situation in the Ukraine war is becoming ever more serious and Germany is increasingly becoming an active party to the war following recent events. In his “State of the Nation” report, Putin once again threatened to use nuclear weapons if Western troops support Ukraine on the ground. Nevertheless, the world’s stock markets have not reacted to these threats at all. Some global stock markets even reached new all-time highs again, but cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum also went through the roof, rising by almost 50 per cent in 1 month. Gold is now close to its all-time high again at USD 2083/ounce. However, the stock exchanges in Eastern Europe have also outperformed again.

2 years of war in Ukraine – what’s next?

The Ukraine war turned 2 years old on 24 February. Many are now wondering what will happen now that Russia has successfully repelled Ukraine’s first major offensive. Now Russia is selectively going on the counterattack. The West has unanimously declared that it will continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia, with Germany now the biggest supporter. At the same time, Israel continued its fight against Hamas in the south, a war that could turn into a powder keg if Iran and its allies become more militarily involved. There is a crisis in office property in the USA, which could lead to a new banking crisis. Inflation has risen again in the USA, which means that interest rates are unlikely to be cut any time soon.

Now the foolish times begin!

Things are getting lively in the carnival strongholds. After the corona-related break, it’s time to party, drink and sway again. This is also known as the “foolish times”. One may wonder whether the foolish times are now also beginning on the world’s stock markets, as investors have so far been relatively unimpressed by the geopolitical and political tensions. Driven by the AI euphoria, Wall Street even celebrated new all-time highs on 9 February. The S&P index passed the 5000 mark for the first time on 9 February. At the same time, there are major problems in the USA with loans for office property, which the market is currently ignoring.